Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit Urinary Diversion A cystectomy is an operation to remove the bladder. In men, the bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles and lymph nodes are removed. In women, the bladder, urethra, part of the vagina and lymph nodes are removed. In addition the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries may be removed. An ileal conduit, also called a urostomy, redirects the urine so it drains into a bag located on the abdomen. This type of diversion will be created by removing a short segment of the small intestine (ileum) to be used as a conduit for urine to flow out of the body. The ureters will be surgically sewn to the wall of the conduit. The surgeon will close one end of the segment and then bring the open end through the abdominal wall creating a stoma.

The stoma is composed of mucus membrane of the intestine (inner lining) used to create the conduit. After surgery, it will probably be swollen and may take several months for it to shrink to its permanent size. The stoma should always be moist and red. Since the stoma does not contain any nerve endings, it is not painful.