Academic Activities

Academic Activities Held By KUC:

Under the guidance of Dr. V.K. Mishra, Kanpur Urology Centre hosts a wide range of academic activity sessions for medical practitioners as well as paramedics.

Presentations for physicians

KUC hosts regular presentations for physicians to keep them informed about new developments in the field of Urology. We believe in adapting the latest techniques and sharing them with others to benefit the populace.

Refresher courses

At KUC we regularly host refresher courses for medical practitioners.

Urology Conferences

We host as well as take part regularly in the various conferences held around the globe to stay updated in our field.

Urology Workshops

We participate in as well as organize workshops on a variety of subjects related to the field of urology.

J.S.Institute of paramedical sciences

J.S.Institute of paramedical sciences is our step towards preparing highly trained paramedical professionals. We train and test paramedics who can provide world-class care to the ailing people.